YouTube - Charlie Bit My Finger

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Wikis: Thing #16

Visited OCL article on Wikipedia. You can even go each branch under history. Liked the description of how to say 'Forked River'. If you don't say it right, you are considered a 'Benny'.

Library 2.0: Thing #15

As referrred to in Away from the Icebergs, I guess I have always thought of library collections as "saving just in case" just as I do at home. It is true that you can find anything, anytime on line. Libraries will be ever changing from now on with internet access, but there will always be a need for people interaction at the library.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Technorati - Thing#14

Spent some time looking around. Not a big fan. I found this site to be difficult. Will not be using anytime soon.

Tagging, Folksonomies in Thing #13

Amazed by what this can do. Never used anything like this before, but will certainly be trying it a lot more. I guess I've been wasting a lot of time by not tagging sites. I did sign up for an account.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Netlibrary & Worldcat: Thing #12

Both interesting sites. I don't think I would ever be able to read a book on a computer. Too much of a strain. As far as helping others use it, I would need to practice a lot more myself before helping others. Worldcat is an excellent tool. I bet it would be a plus for college students. I know my kids are always looking to various libraries for books needed for projects.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

LibraryThing #11

This is a good way to keep track of your books and also see what others are reading.

Monday, April 14, 2008

Technology - Thing #10

I've never been very computer savvy; it mostly overwhelms me. Whenever I would ask my kids how to do something, they always found it easier to do it for me rather than show me how. So you never really learn. This Web Challenge is teaching me so many new things and I'm loving it.

RSS Feed - Things 8 & 9

Signed up for Bloglines and added several feeds. Had some trouble adding feeds to my blog, but got some help and found how easy it was. It is so convenient having headlines from various sources all on one page. Sure saves time having to go to different websites. How great!

Friday, April 11, 2008